Time really did slip by today, though. I'm not sure where the day went! By the time I showered and decided to make dinner it was almost 8, which is way later than I usually start thinking about dinner! But I already knew what I wanted:
Annie's Shells with Cheddar with grilled asparagus.
To grill the asparagus, I coated them with about 1/2 T olive oil, some garlic powder, s+p. Set the Griddler(!) on high and grilled them for about 5-7 minutes. The grill left some really nice marks on them. So yummy!
AND! I conquered the Almond Butter! You may remember the last time I tried to make AB, which did not turn out so well. I used the new recipe on Hungry Yogini as a reference and made some really nice AB. It doesn't look exactly the same as Courtney's, but I think it turned out pretty well! It's also smoother than it looks in the pic.
yumm - I need to pick up more of those shells - they look delish with the asparagus.