Sunday, March 1, 2009

Beat the snow!

Alrighty. I beat the snow. I didn't realize that we are supposed to be getting over 6", so it would be nice if classes are canceled tomorrow :)

I went over to the Potomac Adventist Book and Health Food Store (finally!), but I didn't actually end up buying anything. I felt a little overwhelmed by the crowd of people and I like to have the chance to slow down and browse. Plus I didn't really need much that they had. Another time, especially if I keep seeing it on Foods That Fit. I did go to TJ's though, and picked up some odds and ends that I knew that I could get cheap there.

I picked up a few bars that I've been wanting to try. And of course I ate one as a snack on the way home :)

The LaraBar Cashew Cookie bar was my first experience with LaraBars. I've been seeing them forever, but I always thought they seemed pricey or too good to be true. I caved after reading about how much everyone loves them, though. And it was really good. Very soft with a nice cashew flavor. I seriously can't believe that it's just cashews and dates. Makes me wonder if I could make them...

When I got home, a little voice kept telling me to eat vegetables, but I really wanted to have something warm and sweet.

Whole wheat english muffin with Peanut Butter and Co. Dark Chocolate Dreams, 1/2 banana and a kiwi on the side. I'll have some veggies later :)

Time to tackle the rest of my chores!


  1. thats my favorite type of PB!

  2. best. larabar. ever.

  3. Hey Kara,

    Rachel shared with me the link to your blog..

    I love larabars but they can definitely be pricey. One of the other blogs I read, Oh She Glows, has a recipe to make the banana bread flavor one. It's a little work intensive but I'm sure it's great! Let me know how it turns out if you end up making it :)


  4. Ah! I read that blog, too, but I hadn't seen that! I totally want to try!! Thanks so much for the info (and for visiting)!!!
