Wednesday, December 2, 2009

End of semester blues.

This has been a sadly busy week.  I always feel like I need a break after the holidays to actually get myself back on track before I dive right into work and classes.  I got my 2 papers done last night, but barely.  I just hope for a passing grade on them and that my professors are just as burnt out as I am.

This morning, I squeezed in some oatmeal with walnuts and dried fruit.  Plus my daily and increasingly NECESSARY coffee,  I also had an apple.

On my way home from my morning class I got a soy eggnog latte from Starbucks.  I wasn't impressed with it.. maybe because of the soy?  But the girls behind the counter were also talking about how they didn't know how to make them so who knows.  No picture.

Lunch was a turkey, hummus, and spinach wrap on a jalapeno cheddar tortilla.

Ans some apple sauce.  I'm really trying to up my fruit and veggie intake!

One of these truffle things that G made was also eaten.  They are a little bit (a lotta bit) addicting.  This is not good because I have not been feeling too great about the bod lately.  Oh well, I'll get on track :)

I'll be leaving for my second class soon.  I've been able to get a lot of work done during my classes, which is bad, but this end of semester stuff is driving me nuts!  Anyone else going through this??
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1 comment:

  1. memememememememe!!!! But you know that cause I have been bitching for weeks :(
